Everything You Need to Know About the Principles and Types of Design
Furniture. Clothing. Software. Posters. Maps. Experience. Buildings. Websites. These are all things that can be designed . Heck, design has so many different meanings and application you wonder if the term can be defined at all. Answer: It can. Design has a variety of definitions, but in its simplest form, it can be defined as both a verb and a noun: It can refer to the act of creating a composition or or to the composition itself. Design is about creating feasible, functional solutions to a variety of problems, and always happens with a particular goal in mind. — Amanda Chong, HubSpot designer As ambiguous as it seems, design can be defined … particularly when it comes to how it applies to marketing. That’s why we compiled this guide — to help you better understand design and it’s principles and types. Bookmark this guide for future reference, and use the chapter links to jump ahead to any section that interests you. The Principles of Design Types of Design in ...