12 Most-Read Design Articles by Tubik in 2019

 The year 2019 is melting away, and for Tubik Blog readers and subscribers it has been really fruitful on design articles and case studies. Striking the balance of 2019, today we have collected here the list of posts that were most-read, shared and liked during the year. They are devoted to the variety of topics of UI and UX design for websites and mobile applications, information architecture and interactions, logo design and branding. So, let’s review what themes have been found the most actual for you.

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12 Most Popular Design Articles

UI Design: Basic Types of Buttons in User Interfaces: The article presents the basic classification of the popular buttons users come across in web and mobile interfaces: check their types with UI examples.

UX Design: How to Make Web Interface Scannable: The article explains the factor of scannability, eye-tracking patterns and presents 10 tips for UX designers on enhancing scannability of web user interfaces.

UX Writing: Handy Tips on Text Improving User Experience: The article gives a brief definition of UX writing, describes the features of effective interface copy and shares useful tips on its improvement for the positive user experience.

From Zero to Hero. Look at Hero Images in Web Design: The article tells what is hero image, why it’s important in web design and how to make it work for your goals. Check the types of images and a big pack of web design examples.

How to Make User Interface Readable: Read what factors influence readability and legibility in web and mobile user interfaces and check tips on how to improve them for better user experience.

Show the Way: Directional Cues in User Interfaces: The article revises the popular types of directional cues in web and mobile user interfaces and finds out why they are such an essential factor of positive user experience.

Visual Dividers in User Interfaces: Types and Design Tips: The article on visual dividers, the layout elements that help to organize content on the screen clearly. Check how they work in UI and what types of them are popular.

Web Design: 5 Basic Types of Images for Web Content: Insights into visual web content: check different types of graphics used to make web design beautiful and user-friendly, with a big bunch of UI examples and tips.

Functional Art: 10 Big Reasons to Apply Illustrations in UI Design: The article considers key benefits and pitfalls of applying illustrations to user interfaces for web and mobile. Check them with a big pack of UI and graphic design examples.

Logo Design. Collection of Creative Logos for a Variety of Brands: The more brands appear, the more diverse and creative logo designs we see. Check a bunch of elegant and catchy logos designed for various products and services.

UI in Volume: 3D Graphics in Creative UI Design Concepts: 3D graphics are getting more and more presence in web and mobile interfaces. Check the big collection of UI designs applying 3D images and animation for awesome user experience.

Review of 17 Trends in Illustration and Graphic Design: Big review of illustration and graphic design trends popular in 2019: line art, expressive contrasts, surrealism, light and shadows, colors, motion, 3D art, and much more.

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Wishing you great holidays and a productive new design year, we are already working over a new plan to write content that is helpful and useful for the global design community. Huge thanks to all our readers for support and loyalty and best regards from all the Tubik team!


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